rDrama is funded entirely through the support of users like you. Please consider donating to help the site survive and help us cover its monthly costs. There's even some pretty cool site rewards in it for you :marseyheart:

Donation Methods

Bitcoin (BTC) bc1q4cpgzld8m50tpmrf6akcp59la56u8sku4lqkgv
Ethereum (ETH) and its tokens 0x0984313B29e11C370eC634e432DA24411a27eE74
Monero (XMR) 44hdEpAYXkB2VwkWz6LR9zZhcaG8zrUzn21aPy1HSdcsjT51fPdpMV8hkf5QQdHKs9VsAs3so5Vq5easdBbzmcifGcqfxfw
Solana (SOL) 4RKxRi17H57EBLdL2UMj6e6dD7gHaxyBw9vnHQwb6J69
Dogecoin (DOGE) DBqx7e51Fymo3EtXesFbZV6b5FArfByis7
Litecoin (LTC) ltc1qv9gxlqhejnq7qfygnxe7js7efe0hpls5gffrjg
If you donate, please inform us about your donation by sending us the transaction id via modmail so we can give you your donation rewards! Thank you!

Exclusive Donation Rewards

Tier Rewards
Paypig - $5/month
  • Our eternal love and gratitude :marseyhearts:
  • Username background
  • [NEW!] Ability to set tags on other users
  • Exclusive badges
  • Ability to upload a custom site background in the settings
  • Ability to perma-marsify yourself in the settings
  • Exclusive hole that only Paypigs can post or comment in (/h/highrollerclub)
  • Exclusive ping group that only Paypigs can join or mention (!verifiedrich)
  • Exemption from coin/marseybux gifting tax (3%)
  • Ability to upload more files
  • 16MB image size limit (instead of 8MB)
  • 16MB audio size limit (instead of 8MB)
  • 100MB video size limit (instead of 32MB)
  • 100k character limit for posts (instead of 50k)
  • 10% discount when buying awards
  • 2,500 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)
Renthog - $10/month
  • Everything from previous tiers
  • Ability to add a signature in the settings
  • 15% discount when buying awards
  • 5,000 5,500 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)
Landchad - $20/month
  • Everything from previous tiers
  • Ability to change your username to a 1-letter or 2-letter username in the settings
  • Ability to have 2 previous usernames reserved for you instead of 1
  • 20% discount when buying awards
  • 10,000 12,000 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)
Terminally online turboautist - $50/month
  • Everything from previous tiers
  • Keyword notifications
  • Custom Snappy quotes
  • 25% discount when buying awards
  • 25,000 32,500 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)
Marsey's Sugar Daddy - $100/month
  • Everything from previous tiers
  • 30% discount when buying awards
  • 50,000 70,000 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)
JIDF Bankroller - $200/month
  • Everything from previous tiers
  • 35% discount when buying awards
  • 100,000 150,000 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)
Rich Bich - $500/month
  • Everything from previous tiers
  • 40% discount when buying awards
  • 250,000 400,000 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)
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