Are trans girls welcome here?


Are trans girls welcome here?






Dead site

Nobody posts here anymore. Aevann killed this site.

EFFORTPOST Which site is better, rdrama or devrama?

You may think you're hot stuff, the Fred Astaire of this topic - but if you're Fred Astaire, I'm Ginger Rogers: Anything you can do, I can do - backwards, without looking, and in high heels.

You're a computer systems engineer? Wow! Have you publicly called out the CEO of Intel for the untrustability of their encryption blackbox silicon? Have you explained at an ELI5 level the feasibility and utility of peer-to-peer communications network routing? How about explaining fast fourier transforms to a college kid? These are just the things in computer science I've been gilded for. That doesn't count the parts where I picked up the comment of an actual climate scientist that demolishes every single claim made in your oldest gilded comment. Or the two years worth of reddit gold other people gifted me just for being the flagbearer of that comment. That doesn't cover where I kneecapped a transphobe's Loaded Question in an AMA in Oh, and then there was the one where I explained morphological diversity and the evolutionary basis of intelligence in Aves and Mammalia.

And those are just the gilded comments.

That doesn't cover the comments where I haven't been gilded, like when I shredded the methodology of a trash poll conducted to produce misleading public support figures on the question of whether trans people ahould be allowed to use a restroom.

The thing is, that once someone has been a scientist, they never stop being a scientist. They never stop thinking rationally and critically. They tear apart obvious bullshit with ease after years of doing peer review with actual scientists, after working with their advisors and departments to produce a worthwhile and defensible doctoral thesis, even.

Your most recent gilded comment is a regurgitation of a Stormfront / White Supremacist blogosphere talking-points memo, which in turn was based on a bullshit misread of a statistical publication, by conflating causation with correlation.

And no, my capslock key isn't stuck; I prised it off my keyboard two decades ago so that I would have to be cognisant of holding Shift with my pinky while typing, so that I wouldn't accidentally hose up Windows 2000 source code. Every capitalised letter I write is intentional.

I have no more time to play slapbox with you.

Whenever I feel sad, and like I have failed to accomplish great things, I remind myself I am not an SRDine, and my mood instantly lifts.

Ngl neighbors been lookin mad cute recently women gotta step their game up

It's like you people want to stay a virgin forever

This is why she left you you fricking cuck

If you ever get into contact with your high school crush make sure to mention that she's all you have dreamt about for the past 8 years

Autism mogged

Dramacels hate women so much they'd rather be friends with men pretending to be women than women themselves

I'm not addicted to gambling, I just want my money back

Don't shame us for taking this seriously, this is all some of us have for a social space in this gay world

Stop posting this fricking garbage you fricking degenerate. I wish the Zionist conspiracy was real so we could fricking shoot your worthless half breed butt into the Sun.

Ask any b-word does she want the chad semitic bearded thick eyebrows arab, or the absolute cute twink little very light skinned "blue eyed" no facial beard germanic

Ruqqoid's ideal woman:

White (optional)

Female (optional)

Out of the cloud of autism, a rational decision emerged

I flirt with women just so I can reject them later down the line

Middle East is like an r-slured tv war show I barely watch.

To you guys it's real life lmaooooooo

I don't like loli

it is disgusting

r*pe though...

Don't be serious, you are going to make me laugh. Do you really think Carp cares about you as a person? He just wants to bolster his followers in rDrama. Even the people there and in ruqqus talk about how annoying you are. Seriously, you're kidding yourself.

Sorry but the new rules state you have to show us your vaccine passport in order to post here

Jesus could have transcribed passages into the Bible that would have ended sexism, racism and slavery forever.

But he didn't

You don't want to date a jewish woman.... I did in college... She wanted me to fast with her and learn hebrew...

I can't get any fricking kitty I'm gonna go on a rampage

How the heck do you frick someone and not realize they are trans? Do you r-slurs see the dangling 6 inch peepee and balls and think "wow this roastie has quite the beef curtains"

rDrama will not survive unless it learns to become multicultural and accept immigrants

This is like a hentai plot where the shy femboy provokes the man (me) into violently fricking him in the mating press, which the femboy was planning to do already from the get go

What if you..... are the girlfriend

You are actually too low iq to get a simple joke.....

You are a good boy. You finally deleted groomercord and disavowed your racist, bigoted past. Now drink my jewish milk baby

Me and the other geniuses cackle everytime you start posting in anticipation of another banger

You will always be petsmart's cumdump

Chuds needs to realize that white women have doomed the white race with their wickedness and that the only way to change this is to lead them by example and transition

One of our mods is a legitimate nazi I feel sick I'll be migrating to SRD soon.

Okay big boy I'm out here getting paper while you're posting in a cat worshipping :marseytrain: cult

Whenever I'm alone I repeat the word BIPOC out loud and it calms my anxiety. Before saying BIPOC I used to just make random noises. I switched to BIPOC because it worked better.

We're all white in the nutsack

My husbands gf is my wife

Nooo babe don't keep yourself safe your abs are so defined!!

If I was a white girl, I'd do anything for bbc

Imagine not having a yearbook photo of your crush in 5th grade that you look at every 2 days what a freak

Darn knowing how feminine you are I reckon you could just grow a vagina without surgery

Brenton Tarrant was just a creature of chaos and vengeance he radiated sith lord energy!!

I like to stick lollipops in my butt so my girlfriend has something sweet to taste when she goes rim mode

The term PAWG is insulting to the white race, please don't use it

That group of ruqqus, SRD, brapbarn and whoever else are a bunch of incels

I dunno whats worse, the idea that a BIPOC can manipulate a girl into doing r*pe RP, or that he doesn't need to because a girl will do it on her own

TrappySaruh is a low T cute looking troid who wouldn't look out of place in a girl band.

And she's less of a femboy than you are.

Just think about like this bro, you are at rock bottom right now so there can only be better days ahead. Start by making small achievements, work your way up, and eventually you will look back on the current you and say "wtf were you thinking".

How many corpses did Carp and Aevann step on to reach their current positions. Have we forgotten the genocide in, the cruel oppression by justcool and her group of :marseytrain: jannies?! Yet we still let them rule over us whip in hand?! Are we really that masochistic are we really begging for more?!

This is a pivotal moment your gf has been wearing the pants in the relationship this whole time ordering you about like a dog it's time for you to turn the tables to change the status quo and reassert you masculinity… you must r*pe her

Even your white nationalist fascist nazi leaders acknowledge the science, yet you chuds still hold on firm onto delusions that not even the people you worship believe in

I get fricked in the butt on the daily, I already need to wear diapers. My first one is on the way I'm so excited!

People always talk about how poorly written and unrealistic female characters are but even in real life women are poorly written

Welcome to Devrama!

Unless you're an admin here from or <big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big><big>GET THE FRICK OUT</big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big></big>



Which of you fat slurs turned it to Homoween?

jk it's really fun, I get to listen to all the songs early!

Test post




EFFORTPOST This is supposed to be an effortpost, but I can't mark it as one

it works now

This post took a lot of effort to make.

Marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey marsey

Drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama

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More text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text more text

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How come it still doesn't work?


EFFORTPOST im gonna c*m.

holyy frick.. i-im cumming.. lois.. a-ah!~ my sperm flies accross the screen



Is this the cutest user on the site?

Nobody respond to this, I'm testing something with @Snappy

You can respond if you want, I guess.

Crash testin 101


Introducing... Pets! :marseycat:

Post your pets here!



Peepee and ball torture (CBT)[a] is a sexual activity involving the application of pain or constriction to the male genitals. This may involve directly painful activities, such as genital piercing, wax play, genital spanking, squeezing, ball-busting, genital flogging, urethral play, tickle torture, erotic electrostimulation, kneeing or kicking.[1] The recipient of such activities may receive direct physical pleasure via masochism, or emotional pleasure through erotic humiliation, or knowledge that the play is pleasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these practices carry significant health risks.[2]

Similar to many other sexual activities, CBT can be performed using toys and devices to make the peepee and testicles more easily accessible for attack, or for foreplay purposes.[3][4]

Ball stretcher

A ball stretcher is a s*x toy that is used to elongate the scrotum and provide a feeling of weight pulling the testicles away from the body. This can be particularly enjoyable for the wearer as it can make an orgasm more intense, as testicles are prevented from moving up. Intended to make one's testicles permanently hang much lower than before (if used regularly for extended periods of time), this s*x toy can be potentially harmful to the genitals as the circulation of blood can be easily cut off if over-tightened.

While leather stretchers are most common, other models consist of an assortment of steel rings that fastens with screws, causing additional but only mildly uncomfortable weight to the wearer's testicles. The length of the stretcher may vary from 2.5 to 10 centimetres (1 to 4 in).[5] A more dangerous type of ball stretcher can be home-made simply by wrapping rope or string around one's scrotum until it is eventually stretched to the desired length.

Ball crusher

A ball crusher is a device made from either metal or often clear acrylic that squeezes the testicles slowly by turning sets of nuts or screws. How tight it is clamped depends on the pain tolerance of the person it is used on. A ball crusher is often combined with bondage, either with a partner or by oneself, or with other types of torture or impact play.


A parachute is a small collar, usually made from leather, which fastens around the scrotum, and from which weights can be hung. It is conical in shape, with three or four short chains hanging beneath, to which weights can be attached.

Used as part of peepee and ball torture within a BDSM relationship, the parachute provides a constant drag, and a squeezing effect on the testicles. Moderate weights of 3–5 kg can be suspended, especially during bondage, though occasionally much heavier weights are used. Smaller weights can be used when the participant wearing it is free to move; the swinging effect of the weight can restrict sudden movements, as well as providing a visual stimulus for the dominant partner.[citation needed]

A humbler is a BDSM physical restraint device, a peepee-and-ball bondage toy used to restrict the movement of a submissive participant in a BDSM scene. It consists of a testicle cuff device, typically a ring, that clamps around the base of the scrotum while it is drawn back between the legs. This is mounted in the center of a bar or pair of rods that pass behind the thighs at the base of the buttocks. As a result, the wearer is forced to keep their legs folded forward, as any attempt to straighten them even slightly pulls hard on the scrotum, causing anything from considerable discomfort to extreme pain. In this way the wearer is prevented from standing up straight and has to stay bent over or crawl on all fours.[6]

Testicle cuffs

A testicle cuff is a ring-shaped device that can be placed around the scrotum between the body and the testicles. When it is closed it prevents the testicles from passing through. A common type of testicle cuff consists of two connected cuffs, one around the scrotum and the other around the base of the peepee. Testicle cuffs are one of the many devices that are used to restrain the male genitalia. A standard padlock, which cannot be removed without its key, may also be locked around the scrotum.

Some passive participants enjoy the feeling of being "owned", while dominant individuals enjoy the sense of "owning" their partners. Requiring such an individual wear testicle cuffs symbolizes that their sexual organs belong to their partner. There is a level of erotic humiliation involved, through which they find sexual arousal. The cuffs may also form part of a sexual fetish of the wearer or their partner.[citation needed]

However, these are extreme uses of testicle cuffs. More conventionally, the device pulls down the testicles and keeps them there during stimulation, which has a number of benefits:

Making the peepee appear longer. Pulling the testicles down and away from the base of the peepee stretches the skin over the base of the peepee and pubic bone, exposing the additional few centimetres of penile shaft that is normally hidden from view.

Improving sexual arousal. While some participants may be aroused by the feeling of being "owned", the physical feeling of stretching the ligaments that suspend the testicles has an effect similar to the more common practice of stretching one's legs and pointing the toes.

Preventing the testicles from lifting up so far that they become lodged under the skin immediately adjacent to the base of the peepee, a condition which can be very uncomfortable, especially if the testicle is then squashed by the slap of skin during thrusting in sexual intercourse.

Delaying or intensifying ejaculation by preventing the testicles from rising normally to the "point of no return". It is much harder to reach an orgasm.

Peepee harness

A peepee harness is a device designed to be worn around the peepee and scrotum. Its function is similar to that of a peepee ring.[7] Early peepee harnesses were used to prevent erections in a variety of ways; many of them caused pain in the peepee, typically using sharp projections from peepee rings or sometimes via electric shocks. These devices were designed for medical use, to prevent ejaculation while sleeping which was believed to cause "seminal weakness" and other physical problems.[8]

Modern peepee harnesses are penile s*x toys and their use is associated with BDSM activities. The Gates of Heck is a male chastity device made up of multiple peepee rings that can be used for CBT.[7] Kali's Teeth is a metal bracelet with interior spikes that closes around the peepee and can be used for preventing or punishing erections.[9] Leather peepee sheaths lined with internal spikes can be used for similar purposes.[10]

Ball busting

"Ball busting" is the practice of kicking or kneeing participants in the testicles. It carries several medical risks, including the danger of testicular rupture from blunt trauma.

In Japan

Tamakeri (玉蹴り) (lit. ball kicking) is a sexual fetish and subgenre of BDSM within which a man's testicles are abused. The genre is also referred to as ballbusting ("bb" for short).[11][12] Tamakeri is the Japanese term, but it is used by many non-Japanese people to describe media where Asian people—mainly women—are participating in it. The dynamics of tamakeri consist of a masochist having their testicles hurt by a sadist.[13] The fetish is popular among heterosexual and homosexual men and women.[14]

Denkianma (電気按摩) (lit. "electric massage") is a popular Japanese prank played between two people where one person puts their foot into the genital area of the other and shakes it in a vibrating motion.[15] Often this is done by grabbing the other person's feet, raising them, and then placing one's own foot on their crotch and vibrating it. This is often done between school aged boys as a prank similar to kancho and could be seen by a western audience as a type of bullying. In 2006, Frito Lay released a special, Taitsukun-themed edition of Doritos chips, that referenced denki anma.[16][17]


This section needs attention from an expert in health. The specific problem is: concerns medical topics, but lacks appropriate citations. WikiProject Health may be able to help recruit an expert. (Feb 7, 2024)

Loss of blood flow is one of the greatest risks in peepee and ball torture and may cause irreversible damage. Bleeding is an indicator of unsafe behavior. Because numbness may result from circulation problems in the affected member, the level of pain is not an indicator of a problem and signs of danger include numbness or loss of color and edemas.[18] Bondage in which the testicles are tied to another object is especially dangerous, increasing the risk of damaging the testicles through excessive tension or pulling.

The most serious injuries are testicular rupture, testicular torsion and testicular avulsion, which are medical emergencies that require urgent medical attention.[19]








marsey birthday :marseywithcake: cake rainbow











































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No fair!!!!! Aevann reduced the admin level to 2!!!!!

I used devrama to test COOL site features like adding emojis and deleting media!!!

Almost literally no one uses devrama anyways!!!! but go off i guess




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