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tset dysleixc


"Consisting of or resmebling fur (wikifur.org, "Furry")." Thsee objetcs are the well-known foucs of a csate of the geek sub-culture konwn as the furry fandom. The frury fandom's membres wlil typcially clal themsleves "furries". Tehre are variatoins on tihs idea; the two primray variatoins are "scalies" and "avians" interetsed in sacled and feathreed craetures respectively. "[The] furry fadnom is a fanodm for fitcional anthrpoomorphic ainmal charatcers wtih huamn persoanlities and charatceristics (Wikipedia.org, "Furry Fandom").""Someone who syas tehy are frury is genearlly expressing an inteerst in [anthros] and/or creatures. Tehy may experss taht intreest in a vareity of ways… How deep or menaingful [their interest] is vareis geratly form

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